Helping You Through Property Division And Establishing Alimony
Whether you’re in the earliest stages of a divorce or just contemplating the possibility of one, it’s likely that the prospect of financial uncertainty with your spouse is on the top of your list of priorities.
The process of dividing marital assets is often not an easy one; in cases of family-owned businesses, couples may have an interest in maintaining business ties for an indefinite time. And when it comes to alimony (spousal support), many find that they may have financial obligations to their exes for years after a divorce decree is finalized.
We recognize that dealing with these issues is seldom easy. As experienced family law attorneys, we work regularly with clients whose desire for closure from a divorce must be balanced with the need to ensure their financial well-being. Whether your concern lies in having to pay alimony or in ensuring that you receive sufficient alimony in the months and years to come, our firm can offer you a way forward.
Understanding How Property Division And Spousal Support Are Decided
Because Georgia is an equitable distribution state, courts have significant discretion when it comes to how your money and property are divided. In many cases, “equitable” does not mean “equal.” This means that having a lawyer capable of correctly identifying your bank accounts and property and making effective arguments in your favor to a judge matters more than ever.
When it comes to alimony, there are several points to consider:
- Courts can award temporary alimony for the duration of divorce proceedings, as well as transitional alimony and long-term alimony, which can last for a few or many years and is designed to help the recipient spouse transition into post-divorce life.
- There is no fixed formula for determining the amount or duration of alimony. Courts evaluate cases against a list of factors, including the length of the marriage, financial resources of each party, salary and income of each party, and contributions made by each party to the marriage when deciding how to award alimony.
- Alimony orders are not fixed in stone. Changes in the financial circumstances of one or both parties can warrant a request for a court to reconsider the amount or duration of alimony payments. Modifications can be granted to ensure that one party is not unfairly disadvantaged over another.
Contact Us To Discuss Your Case
Learn how our attorneys can help you maintain your financial well-being during and after a divorce. Call Browning Browning & Gilkinson‘s Marietta offices at 770-615-7235to arrange a consultation. You can also complete our online contact form.